Thursday, June 6, 2024

Alsande Bee-Vali Koddel (Cow Peas- Malabar Spinach Curry).

“Alsande Bee-Vali Koddel (Cow Peas- Malabar Spinach Curry)” … here is a traditional delicious- spicy curry from GSB Konkani Saraswat Cuisine … for a change, I have added kudampuli for tart taste instead of chinchama/ tamarind, off course bimbul or ambado can also be added ... tastes best served with ukde sheetHa (red boiled rice) … Yummilicious ….

** I have posted several koddel recipes in different combinations along with veggies/ pulses or both together in my blog here. This is a traditional dish from GSB Konkani Saraswat Cuisine prepared in most homes and served for lunch with rice, one of the best combos. Vali/ Malabar Spinach is a creeper veggie that is grown in backyard of homes in southern states. However, it is available in Mumbai and luckily my veggie vendor had brought some yesterday and I made most it by buying one bunch immediately.

** This curry is with Malabar Spinach- Cow Peas (Black eyed Bean/ Chawli in Marathi and AlsandeBee in Konkani). In some places this curry is also referred to as bhendi; a spicy curry. I have tempered it with my favorite garlic that makes the curry that much more aromatic. I have added kudumpuli a sun- dried tart veggie similar to kokum, however you can replace it with hogplum, tree sorrel fruit, startfruit or just add some tamarind while grinding the masala. Try it, it tastes excellent served with rice/ boiled rice.

** Here is my simple recipe for “Alsande Bee- Vali Koddel (Cow Peas- Malabar Spinach Curry)” …My Style ….

** Wash and finely chop the leaves of one large bunch of Vali/ Basale/ Malbar Spinach. You should at least have 8-10 cups of the same. Also, cut stems into 2-3 inch sized pieces. Add into a colander together and rinse under running water and add it into pressure cooker with one cup of water and cook on medium heat for 2-3 whistles.

** Soak 2 cups of Alsande Bee/ Black Eyed Peas/ Cow Peas/ Lobia in plenty of water overnight or for minimum 8 hours. Next day, wash well, drain and put it in the pressure cooker with sufficient water, say about an inch level above the peas and pressure cook on medium heat to one whistle only. Remove and keep this ready aside.

** Masala to be ground : In a small pan heat 1 tsp oil (tel/ tela) and fry 10-12 red kashmiri chillies (kumte mirsanga/ byadgi mirchi) for 1-2 minutes. Add into a mixer grinder along with 1 heaped cup of freshly grated coconut (soyi/ nariyal) and grind to a smooth paste with water to a fine paste. Add a small marble sized piece of tamarind/ chinchama/ Imly while grinding ONLY IF NOT ADDING ANY TART VEGGIE.

** Note : The paste should be ground very smooth in texture for best outcome of the curry and you can use the alsande bee or vali cooked water for grinding masala which is what we most of us amchies do, try it, it curtails excess usage of water.

** Add cooked vali- alsande bee in a vessel along with ground masala, salt (namak/ meeta) to taste and required amount of water to bring to a thick gravy consistency. Wash and add 6-8 kudampuli (a tart sun- dried veggie), mix well, cook on medium heat, stirring often until you see bubbles appearing on surface, lower the heat, and let simmer.

** Note : You can add any one of the tart veggies to the curry like ambado (hogplum)/ bimbul (bimbli/ tree sorrel fruit), karmbala (starfruit) or even kokum/ kudampuli/ raw mango. And only when none of the mentioned ones are available then I add a small marble sized piece (1 tsp) of tamarind/ chinchama/ imly while grinding the masala.

** For Tempering/ Pannaka/ Tadka : Heat 2-3 tblsp of any edible oil (tela/ tela) in a small pan, when hot add 12-15 crushed garlic (losun/ lehsun) cloves and fry till light brown in color. Remove and pour over curry, mix well, cover and keep it aside for the flavors to seep in for about 15-20 minutes undisturbed.

** Note : You can use garlic with/ without skin for tempering. Traditionally garlic with skin crushed with a stone/ weight was used for tempering. With changing of times people sometimes peel off the skin and temper as per individual preference. However, the aroma imparted from garlic with skin is far more tastier.

** “Alsande Bee- Vali Koddel (Cow Peas- Malabar Spinach Curry)” is done and ready to be served. This curry tastes best served with ukde sheetHa/ red boiled rice or plain rice/ steamed rice though you can also relish it with roti/chapatti in which case keep the curry slightly thicker in consistency. Enjoy this delicious amchi dish with your family and friends and do give me a feedback if possible, it does motivate me a lot to try out more dishes and share the same here. Life is all about enjoying good food and leading a peaceful and happy life with contentment without holding on to hatred or grudges.

** I must mention here that the bundle of “Vali/ Malabar Spinach/ Basale” available in Mumbai is far too large for my liking, but I have no choice. That is the reason why you may find that quantity of ingredients for masala more than which I always share. My measurements usually are for a smaller, say maximum 6 member family, however this one will easily pass for 10-12 people. You can keep some vali aside and use it later too, however the freshness is lost in the process, so I prefer to cook and share the excess amount which I am sure will not be required by me immediately to my friends.

** Given below is the common link to all the "koddel recipes" and "recipes of raw banana/ harve kele" that have been added on in the blog, do give a glance to the same, it will give you an idea on all the different varieties of dishes that are prepared .....

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