“Dadmogare Palle Virshe’ / Double Jasmine Leaves Tea” …This is a Herbal Infusion / Tea with the addition of mildly flavoured spices and seasoned with Garlic … This is given mostly after delivery to the Mother for recuperation of health … But the same can be consumed by anybody, as it is overall beneficial for health … The credit for this goes to my Mother, who insisted I try this out and post the same in my Blog …. Yumz .......
** Virshe’ (Konkani name) as familiar with Konkani Saraswat’s is a actually a brewed / infusion of herbs or barks of certain tree or even flowers as well as spices that is given a lot of importance in Ayurveda. I have no knowledge of what exactly it is called in other regions or religions. The main purpose of consumption of virshe is for improving health. Many a times ailments like indigestion, body aches, cough, common cold, Vata, pitta are treated by this method. Certain types of Virshe are prepared and given to women in the morning after oil bath, after delivery for recuperation of health. There are many more prepared with leaves and barks of tree. I have them, but unfortunately, I am not able to access their names in any other language than konkani. So will be posting the same as in my knowledge soon. I have added in a few Kashaya’s before, prepared with easily available ingredients at home, I will now adding Virshe’s prepared out of herb's and out of barks / saal here now. Do keep in touch here if interested in Kashay’s and Virshe’s.
** I have posted Kashaya for common cold and cough using spice ingredients before. This one is actually called Virshe’ which is prepared using herbs. I have used Double Jasmine (Mogra / Mogare / Dadmogare/DunDu mallige) plant Leaves in dried and powder form here for the same. Remember to drink Vrishe always steaming hot and in limits. One small glass is enough and do not exceed the quantity and as it produces heat to the body. Virshe' should always be had in doses and not gulped like soups. Also, you may take this say once in a week or 10 days for health benefits and not every day. So, plz. take note of the same.

** To make Jasmine Leaves powder : You need plenty of fresh dodamogare / double jasmine / mogra leaves. These leaves are available in plenty in southern parts of India. When I had been to Mangalore, my sister brought them from her relatives place and I brought it home, sun dried them and coarsely powdered the same. Wash the leaves in plenty of water and see to it that there is not dirt in the same. Spread on a cloth and allow it to dry overnight. Next morning put it in sunlight for a few hours only or you can microwave till its slightly crisp. Then leave it dry until it can be crushed. If not put, it in sunlight again for some hours and then coarsely powder it in mixer grinder. Do not dry it in too much sunlight, as the properties in the leaves will be then lost. In addition, if you have access to fresh leaves, you can use them semi dried as it is, without powdering them. I brought the leaves to Mumbai and prepared them to powder form as they are not available to me here. I have stored the powder in air tight container in the fridge and use it as and when I need. It’s more than 6 months now and the powder has remained good.
** Note : Remember these little points while preparing the Virshe’ …
1 Always use Stainless steel vessel for cooking Virshe’ as we do not want to risk any metal infusion with theVirshe’.
2 Boiling and simmering should be done without covering the vessel ie in open.
3 Keep in mind that after reaching boiling point, the same should not be reduced in boiling form, but should be simmered on medium to slow heat.
4 Always use coarse powder / or crushed pieces and do not grind the powder or the spices to fine texture.
** Here is my Method of preparing the Jasmine Leaves Virshe’ I, learnt from my Mother ….
** Add 2 tblsp of Dadamogare / Jamine leaves powder in a stainless steel vessel and add in 6 cups of water. Keep this to boil on high flame, once it come to boil, lower the heat to minimum and let it simmer till the water has reduced to almost half quantity or for a good 20 minutes. Remove, cover, and keep this aside for 6-8 hours or overnight for the same to be well infused.
** Next morning strain the same through either a very fine sieve or a fresh, clean muslin cloth into another stainless steel vessel.
** To be dry roasted : Roast on a very low flame 2 tsp of Ovam (ajwain / vonvo) + 1 tsp of Jeera (cumin seeds) + 12-15 black pepper corns + ½ tsp Coriander Seeds (Kothimbir / Dhania) + 1 whole green cardamom (ellaichi / yelu) … till you get a nice aroma.
** Note : Roasting on Low heat is very important. The ingredients should not be browned or over roasted, else it will turn bitter. Always prepare this powder fresh by roasting, powdering and grinding. Do not prepare in bulk and preserve.
** My Mother’s recipe does not include the cardamom and coriander seeds, I just added in a little bit as a variation. There are few more Virshe’ which I will include soon, prepared exactly her way. You may leave out the coriander and cardamom
** To be ground : Put the roasted ingredients into a dry mixer jar and run the mixer till you get a semi coarse powder. Once it is done, add in little by little the strained infused jasmine leaves water and grind to a paste. Use only little water.
** Add the ground paste to the remaining strained water and add in a little bit of water if necessary. Do not add excess water. In all you should get about 2-3 cups of the prepared Virshe’.

** Add 2-3 pieces of Solla pakli / /Dried kudampuli / Dried kokam and bring to a boil. Lower the heat, add salt to taste (do not add more salt) and simmer for few minutes while you prepare for the tempering.
** Note : Solla pakli / kudampuli / kokam are added to impart tangy (Tart) taste, while they are really good for health too. I have no idea why this infusion / decoction is prepared this way. You can add any one of the three mentioned above. I have no idea of what solla pakli is called in English. But, in Mangalore we get it at Ganpayya and Sons near Car Street Flower Market. Kudampuli also known as Black Kokum Mangostine is available in all South Indian Stores, extensively used in curries by South Indian's especially from Kerala and is similar to kokum. Kokam is again that fruit which is extensively used throughout India especially in the state of Maharashtra and is known to almost all Indian's. So out of the three, Kokum is sure to be available to you, but the traditional Virshe’ is prepared using Sollapakli.
** For Tempering : Heat 1 tsp of ghee in a small pan, when melted and hot add in 8-10 freshly crushed with skin garlic and fry for a few minutes. Add it to the simmering Virshe’.
** Note : Please use fresh homemade ghee for tempering the Virshe’ and DO NOT USE OIL. This Virshe’ is exclusively for health benefit and YOU HAVE TO USE GHEE and oil is simply No-No.
** Note : If you do not like adding of the garlic cloves with skin, you may remove the skin and fry the cloves too. But the skin of garlic has lots of health properties, not to forget the excellent aroma it imparts. Also chewing the garlic added into the Virshe’ with skin is more beneficial to health. So it is entirely upto you how you add on the garlic.
** “Dadmogare Palle Virshe’ / Double Jasmine Leaves Tea” … Is done and ready to be served. Serve this steaming hot, after removing with a spoon the added on Solla pakli / kudampuli / kokam. Tastes awesome especially during winter and monsoon. Enjoy the health benefits of leaves of Mogra by sharing the same with your family. Remember not to drink Virshe’ in excess. One small glass is sufficient and the same should consumed only once in a day, once a week or 10 days, That’s it, it produces heat to the body, so be careful …. Wishing all my friends, a healthier life … will be adding many more soon.
** Disclaimer : Please Do excuse if there are some mistakes or some important points left out in this particular method of Virshe’. It is not intentional. I have written it to the best of my knowledge and if any of you know something more that I have missed out on, please be kind enough to send me a mail or leave a comment on the same. Thank you.
** An earnest Request : There are many more recipes of similar type in the blog. For all my Recipes, use the search option or the label section in the Blog. If you are still not able to find it please leave a message in comment section or mail me the same. You can also go to my page (add on the left side of blog) and leave a message and I will try my best to get back to you as soon as possible … Thank you. I have also started a food group by the name "KONKANI DELICACIES" the link of which is posted on the left side of the blog page. Do join us in our culinary journey.
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