Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Rose that Dried ....

"The Rose that Dried"

** As I browsed through some old books, I came across the fondly placed rose in between the pages during childhood ... as I held it, some memories rippled of days gone by; but the emotions that it was placed with was gone ... the rose that was once bright red had lost had lost it's color … the aromatic smell of the rose was lost … the softness of the petal had turned rough and crumbled … attachments had all faded with passing of time ... the dried rose now in hand just crumbled to pieces … 

** The rose that was placed in between the pages had gone, leaving only a stain … the rose that once brought smile, memories, happiness was now gone leaving a huge void ... as I looked back to collect some of the crumbled pieces, there was nothing left in sight ... sigh!!! the wind had mercilessly blown them all away ... all that remained now was a jigsaw puzzle in my mind that could no more be solved ... 

** With only a stick helping me hold on to life, I gathered myself and moved on with a heavy heart ... after all, the Rose had lived it's life ...

OM Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

** Disclaimer : These are Just a few thoughts of my own that I pen down from time to time and not extracted from anywhere. I just love going down the memory lane and pen them down or again love writing whatever that touches my heart be it on any subject. However, it is not meant to offend/ hurt anybody's sentiments, do excuse if done, as it is not intentional. The picture has been chosen from Google and the credit goes to whosoever it belongs to. I have just re-edited it. Having written my thoughts and notes, I always conclude that LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL, there is so much out there to see and enjoy, bad days are like a phase that will pass away. Always be Positive, have Faith In God, he knows the best for us, and does so at appropriate time … Stay Safe- Blessed and have a lovely year 2024.

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