Friday, June 14, 2024

Urad Dal- Kerala Matta Kani Rice- Idly (Rice) Rava Khotto (Idly Steamed in Jackfruit leaf baskets).

“Urad Dal- Kerala Matta Kani Rice- Idly (Rice) Rava Khotto (Idly Steamed in Jackfruit leaf baskets) served with Vegetable Kolumbo (Sambar), Ponsa Godu Muddo/ Khotto (Sweet Ripe Jackfruit Idly steamed in Jackfruit leaf baskets) served with Homemade Ghee/ Toop” and Ginger Tea (Adraki Chai)” khotto is the second out of the three prepared with same batter, the prepared dishes which I will be sharing back to back for easy access … tastes great served with sambar ... ponsa khotto/ muddo too is a must at least a few times when in season (its available now), tastes excellent … try it, it’s awesome … Yummilicious ....

** Khotto as all of you are aware by now if you are following my blog are prepared with the same Idly batter steamed in Jackfruit leaves baskets/ molds. I will not go much into details of khotto/ Idly as by now the whole world knows the benefits of eating idly as a healthy breakfast. Combination of different ingredients is the love of my life when it comes to cooking and it gives me immense satisfaction when they turn out perfect.

** Though I have tried dishes using whole red boiled rice it is only recently that I came across Kani Kerala Matta Rice ie broken red boiled rice and begun using it. This needs less soaking time unlike the whole ones and is much easier to grind. I have shared dosa, porridge prepared with it but khotto is the first time. You can use the search/ label option if interested to check out on those recipes, they are awesome too.

** Here, I was not sure of how it would turn out so to play safe I added on Idly (Rice) rava and kani rice in 1:1 ratio and trust me the khotto turned out excellent in texture, soft and spongy. You never know how it turns out; it may be a winner combo or an utter flop. However, that has never stopped me from trying/ experimenting. Just like you should never stop dreaming coz. dreams when persuaded turn into reality.

** I have already shared panna doddaka (tempered pan Idly) prepared with the same batter just before this post and the next post to this is Ramdana/ Idly which I have prepared using the same batter, isn’t that fantastic, it cuts down on workload especially for us working women as it gives time to attend other duties. I will share link to them the bottom of this recipe too, do check it out and try it out if possible, its fantastic.

** For the method of preparing jackfruit leaves baskets/ molds, just check on the link given at bottom of recipe and you will come across a detailed article of the same. Go through the same carefully observing method, I have shared enough pictures. However, if you want to prepare Khotto and have no access to leaves, there is nothing to worry, just pour them in Idly molds and its done. Again, if you want to use the leaves and are not sure of the mold method you can also use them as liners in tumbler, pan etc.

** If still in doubt you can check any You Tube on the subject and there are plenty who have shared reels. I have often been requested to move over to video on recipes, to them all I apologize as it not convenient to me. There is massive work involved in display, picturizing, editing, loading, not to mention the time involved. My Blog is handled only by me and it is physically not able to do so, do excuse.

** Here is my recipe for “Urad Dal- Kerala Matta Kani Rice- Idly (Rice) Rava Khotto (Idly Steamed in Jackfruit leaf baskets)” … my style …

** Ingredients :
Urad Dal/ Black Gram Dal : 1 cup
Kani Kerala Matta Rice (Broken Red Boiled Rice) : 1.5 cups
Idly Rava/ Rice Rava : 1.5 cups
Salt/ Namak/ Meeta : to taste

** Wash and soak the urad dal and Kani Kerala Matta Rice (Broken Red Boiled Rice) in plenty of water “separately” for 3-4 hours. If you are new to kani rice, check out the picture collage for reference, in case not available you can use whole red boiled rice which is easily available in all stores, however do try the kani if possible.

** Just before you begin to grind the dal, soak Idly (rice) rava in water for 30 mins. And then drain off the excess water on top by slowly tilting the vessel. Keep this ready aside when you begin the grinding process.

** Drain, wash few times again urad dal and grind in wet grinder with 1 cup (approx) of water to a smooth fluffy batter. Keep mixing often for even grinding of the paste, I use tabletop wet grinder, if using mixer grinder then grind the batter with chilled water, it gives better results by not getting heated or thinning out the batter. When done remove and add it into a large sized vessel with enough space for fermentation.

** Drain and wash a few times again the Kani Kerala Matta Rice and add to wet grinder or mixer grinder and grind to a rava texture adding minimum water. Remove and add this to the urad dal batter in the vessel. For grinding of rice you can use mixer grinder for best results, which is what I prefer and follow always.

** By now the soaked idly (rice) rava must have absorbed enough water, drain off if there is any excess water floating on top by tilting the vessel and add this to the urad and kani rice mixture in the vessel. Mix all together well with hand which helps in better fermentation. The mixture should be thoroughly mixed and the rice should not settle down or stay as lumps, again if too thick in texture then you can add some water.

** The final batter should be thick ie of dropping consistency, so be careful with addition of excess water. Lastly add just salt on top of the batter, however do not mix it. Keep it aside tightly covered in a warm place undisturbed to ferment for 8-12 hours or overnight. The timing differs from place to place depending upon the weather.

** Next morning or after 8-12 hrs mix the batter well, as the rice may settle at the bottom of the batter, see to it that you mix it properly. The batter usually has been fermented well and raised to double in quantity, If not keep it near the stove where cooking is going on for an hour or so to help fermentation. Once the batter has been mixed well, it is ready to be further prepared into Idly, Khotto, panna doddaka, ramdan as is your choice.

** Gently pour the batter with the help of a rounded spatula into the prepared jackfruit leaves baskets/ molds. See to it that you fill upto ¾ th level only. You should leave gap on top of the molds as the batter will rise when being steamed.

** Note : I have used jackfruit leaf molds and do so whenever they are available to me. If you have no knowledge of the preparation of the same or it is not available or you are short of time and have the leaves, you can also use long tumblers lined them with fresh Jackfruit leaves from the inner side too. You can use steel vati/ katori / gindla here to get evenly small shaped Idly. Remember to apply oil to the molds before adding in the batter. Applying of oil to the moulds ensures that the batter does not stick to it and comes off cleanly without crumbling once the Idly is steamed and cooled a bit.

** Keep the Idly steamer/ pedavana with required amount of water to heat on high level. When it reaches full steam, lower the jackfruit leaves molds and gently place in one by one till they are arranged well without titling and cover the lid tightly. Increase the heat and steam for 5-10 minutes or until you see steam passing through the sides of the lid, then lower the heat to medium and steam for 20-25 minutes till done.

** When done, open the lid and remove one by one and place on a large plate and allow to cool a little bit, say about 5 minutes. To serve, just remove few of the wooden stick pinned to while preparing mold and open on two sides and it can be easily removed in one go. Be careful while doing so and do not put pressure or they may break. If using any other molds run a blunt knife through the edges on the inner side of the vati/ katori and gently flip over and tap it a bit to bring out the steamed Idly in one go.

** The traditional method of serving Khotto/ Idly is usually with sambar/ dal/ chutney or any spicy curry of one’s choice as an accompaniment. It was also served with Hinga (Asafoitida) water in olden days when there was a shortage of other dishes to serve it, though this is almost a forgotten practice nowadays. But this khotto ie Long shaped Idlies in Jackfruit leaves tastes best topped/ drizzled with coconut oil and served with either sambar/ chutney/ chutney podi/ gun powder. I also tastes great served it with non.veg dishes like fish curry or chicken curry too. Try it, sure to be loved by all.

** “Urad Dal- Kerala Matta Kani Rice- Idly (Rice) Rava Khotto (Idly Steamed in Jackfruit leaf baskets)” is done and ready to be served. As mentioned above you can serve in any combination of your choice. I served with vegetable sambar and tea for breakfast which I feel is one of the best combination when served as breakfast item, however if served during meals, they I always prefer with some veg. or non. Veg curry.

** I had plenty of jackfruit leaves and I always make it a point to prepare at least 2-3 times, jackfruit sweet idly/ khotto/ muddo when they are in season (they are available now). It tastes awesome and can be served any time of the day, sometimes I just have it as my dinner dish, try it, it’s just too good. Children love sweet dishes but are reluctant to eat fruits served as it is, this is one of the best way to make them eat healthy dishes. Serve it hot topped with homemade ghee for best taste, they will love it.

** Note : The proportions mentioned above is when using the wet grinder method. If using mixer then you have got to adjust the proportions as the result of grinding urad dal in wet grinder and mixer are not the same. Wet grinder yields in softer and bulkier quantity of urad when ground whereas the mixer does not do the same. Therefore, you can decrease the amount prepare in following combination ….

Urad Dal/ Black Gram Dal : 1 heaped cup
Kani Kerala Matta Rice (Broken Red Boiled Rice) : 1.5 cups
Idly Rava/ Rice Rava : 1 cups

** Note : Idly Rava is actually rice ground into a rava texture which is available readily in Indian Market. It saves time and effort of grinding the rice. In case you have no access to Idly Rava in your vicinity, you can add rice also. The quantity remains almost the same. Just wash and soak rice separately in water while soaking urad dal and grind to a grainy coarse texture again separately and mix the two later. There will be no difference in Idly. Idly Rava is used just for the sake of convenience in place of rice.

** Note : The recipe of batter for the Idly/ Khotto/ Ramdan remains the same as always and as is my practice I have prepared all three to be relished on three days at a stretch, the choice however is yours and you may try any. I have shared them as separate posts for the sake of convenience on reference while sharing other posts, however I have shared the recipe on all three posts, so do check out on my next posts in blog, though I will be sharing the link too at the bottom of this recipe here.

** For “Urad Dal- Kerala Matta Kani Rice- Idly (Rice) Rava Panna Doddaka (pan seasoned Idly)” a recipe with same batter, follow the link below …

** Check the following Article of Making of Khotto/ Jackfruit leaves baskets using paper cups/ tumblers/ glasses etc. Please follow link given below ….

** For more “Khotto/ Idly steamed in Jackfruit Leaves Baskets”, Please follow the link given below, there are plenty of choices ....

** For “Kolumbo/ Sambar” recipes, I am sharing two common links, you may try them and serve with any, they all taste great ….

** If you want to serve with “Coconut Chutney” and other “Chutney” Recipes, I am sharing links below, Please follow the links given below ….

** For “Ponsa Godu Muddo/ Khotto (Sweet Ripe Jackfruit Idly steamed in Jackfruit leaf baskets)” recipe, I have shared the link below along with another common link to more ponsa recipes …

** I am sure all of you know how to prepare a good “Strong Ginger Tea/Kadak Adraki Chai”, But if not, you can always go through th link given below …

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