Wednesday, June 12, 2024

My Scrumptious Veg. Thali~ 374.

“My Scrumptious Veg. Thali~ 374 : Cauliflower Bajo (Fritters), Vaingana- Karmbala Bajji (Green Brinjal- Starfruit Bharta), Patrade Panna Muddo (Colocasia Leaves Spicy Steamed Dumplings), Dalitoy  (Spiced Tuvar Dal) with Tomatoes, Surai SheetHa (Rice)” … accidental thali is what I would like to name today's meal … I had decided and was done with cooking of muddo- dali- sheetHa for lunch ... while cleaning the fridge, I needed to clear up some veggies, so ended up preparing bajji and as it was drizzling added on a few bajos/ fries ... in all definitely a fantastic- soul satisfying amchi meal ... do try this combo ... Yummilicious ...

** A delicious thali for sure that just about happened accidentally today. I had already finished off meal preparations with dali- sheetHa and muddo as in my home we love this combo. On second thoughts decided to check out leftovers in fridge to add on maybe some upkari. Well, found some starfruits/ karmbala that needed to be used immediately, and as I had green vaingana/ brinjal/ vangi decided to prepare bajji in combo.

** Monsoon is just about skirting round Mumbai and it drizzles a bit or rains for a few minutes as is its mood, however it is much cooler compared to last month. My eyes fell on cauliflower which was fresh and in no hurry to be attended to, yet my desire to prepare a few bajos took over and to my joy ended up with a pleasant looking delicious thali, that we enjoyed relish late in the noon, something I guess are bound to happen.

** Given below are the links to the recipes of individual dishes in the picture above, please go through the link for that particular dish ..... do try them out in your home and enjoy with family and friends, they are all tried and tested in my own kitchen many times and are very tasty …

** For “Cauliflower Bajo (Fritters)” Recipe, Please follow the link given below ….

** For “Vaingana- Karmbala Bajji (Green Brinjal- Starfruit Bharta)” Recipe, Please follow the link given below ….

** For “Patrade Panna Muddo (Colocasia Leaves Spicy Steamed Dumplings)” Recipe, you may follow any of the link given below, they are all the same except the molds used in steaming procedure, there are many more muddo recipes with other leaves or ingredients prepared, again to which I have shared common link ….

** For “Dalitoy (Spiced Tuvar Dal)” Recipe, Please follow the link given below …

** For the Recipe of "Cooking Rice Starch Free/Vanu ghalnu SheetHa", where the Rice is cooked and the water is drained off to remove excess starch, a method followed in most FSB homes, Please follow the link given below ….

** You can use the search option or follow the common links shared below for "Thali/ Solo/ ComboMeals or Pejje Jevana (Rice Porridge Meals)” already shared in the Blog where you will get many more combination of thali’s and combo meals. Do try out various types of mix and match dishes to relish with your family and friends. Also remember to me a feedback if possible ....Thank You All ....

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