Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Vegetable Omelette (Tomato- Onion- Capsicum) served with Coconut- Ginger Chutney and Tomato Ketchup.

"Vegetable Omelette (Tomato- Onion- Capsicum) served with Coconut- Ginger Chutney and Tomato Ketchup" ... veggie omelette is a very famous dosa in southern parts of India that the vegetarians prepare often to be served for breakfast ... though tomato omelette is the most favourite, you can always add in different varieties of veggies to make them that much more healthier ... it's very easy to prepare, try it, its awesome ... Yummilicious ....

** Often when I have not decided breakfast menu I end up preparing either vegetarian or egg omelette as both are equally favourite in my home. Though I have not served this one here with bread slices, it tastes equally great when done so. You can even apply coconut coriander chutney to the bread slices and sandwich the veg. omelette and serve it either as it is, fried on tava or grilled, they all taste awesome. 

** The next time I prepare the sandwich version, I will surely share here until then you may go ahead and try this with any veggies of your choice and serve as it is or with bread/ pav slices. I served it with coconut ginger chutney and tomato ketchup (store bought), you can serve it with any chutney of your choice too. There are plenty of Dosa recipes shared in the Blog do try them out and enjoy with your family.  

** Here is my own recipe for "Vegetable Omelette (Tomato- Onion- Capsicum)" ... which I learned to prepare from my Amma .... 

** This one is a very easy dosa, as I prepare them with left over Masala Dosa batter or any normal urad- rice batter. Again, you can prepare a little bit batter in excess, store it in fridge and prepare the same too. It saves on time and effort in the busy lifestyle we all have these days. I have used about 2 cups of leftover batter for this dosa which gave me about 5 medium sized dosas, you may use accordingly.  

**  Ingredients :
Leftover Urad- Rice Dosa Batter : 2 cups 
Besan/ Bengal Gram Flour/ Chane PeetHa : 2 heaped tblsp 
Maida/ APF : 2 heaped tblsp 
Bombay Rava/ Rulavu : 1/2 cup
Capsicum/ Donnemirsanga/ Simlamirchi : One medium sized
Tomato : 1 large sized
Onion/ Piyavu/ kanda : one large sized
Turmeric/ Haldi powder : 1/2 tsp
Ginger/ Alle'/ Adrak : 1/2 tsp grated
Green Chilly/ Tarni Mirsanga/ Hari Mirchi : 1-2 tsp grated 
Coriander leaves/ Dhania/ Kottambari Pallo : 2-3 tblsp finely chopped.
Salt/ Namak/ Meeta : to taste

** Oil (tel/ tela)+ Ghee (Toop) in 1:1 ratio for removing the dosa. 

** Wash and finely chop capsicum and tomato and keep it aside ready. Peel off the outer skin of onion and chop it also finely and add it to the capsicum- tomato. Clean, pick only leaves of coriander and chop them fine.

** Mix all these Ingredients in a bowl to a smooth batter with a whisker adding in required amount of water. The batter should be thick, as that the texture of Idly batter, so add water little by little to achieve proper consistency. Also there should be no lumps of the flour added to the batter, so beat it well to a smooth texture.

** To Prepare Dosa : Heat an Iron Dosa pan to smoking point, lower the heat to minimum, add a teaspoon of oil+ghee and spread well with the help of a tissue paper. Do not press too hard, as the tava is hot, your hands may get burnt, and you may remove all the applied oil in the pan. I use this method of spreading with tissue to ensure there is no excess oil, as well as there is a thin layer/ film of oil on the Tava by which you get a crisp bottomed dosa.

** Now, add in about a cupful (approx) of prepared batter in the center of the tava and spread evenly into a round circle of about 8-10 inch diameter with a rounded spatula just like how you prepare any dosa. Use light motion, do not press the spatula too much lest the dosa will tear leave gaps. Also take care to see that you spread the added veggies evenly on the dosa and not in one place only. Sprinkle some ghee+oil on sides and top of the dosa. Let the dosa cook on medium heat until the bottom side of the dosa turns crispy and evenly browned.

** This dosa is cooked on both the sides, so when the bottom side is cooked and done gently loosen the dosa with the help of a flat dosa spatula from all round the rim of the dosa and then gently lift it with the spatula in one go and flip it over, now gently press the dosa down on the tava with the spatula to ensure that the added veggies get well set within the dosa and also give a crispier texture. Let the dosa now cook on medium heat for about 2-3 minutes or so until its crisp and done.

** Remove the dosa from tava and place it on a serving plate and repeat the above procedure similarly as the first one to get the required number of dosa's. This dosa is prepared with leftover dosa batter, so question of the batter being left unused is out of question. However if there is excess batter then immediately store it in an airtight container in fridge and remove dosas within a few hours as this batter does not remain good for more the 3-4 hours, the very reason you should not prepare it in excess.

** "Vegetable Omelette (Tomato- Onion- Capsicum)" is done and ready to be served. Always serve dosa’s hot from tava, as they taste best when served crisp and hot and somehow turn limp when stored especially when veggies are added. Serve the dosa with any chutney of your choice and enjoy with your family and friends. I served it for bf with Coconut- Ginger Chutney and some store bought Tomato Ketchup as I always feel that any omelette be it veg. or non. veg tastes great with ketchup. 

** Children love to eat crisp dosa and this is sure to be a hit with them. Amma (mom) always insisted on a good, healthy breakfast to begin the day with and it is the least you can do for good health of your children and family, thereby creating good eating habits for coming generations. There is nothing better or equivalent to our traditional dishes handed down through generations and the onus is on us to keep it going on.  

** Note : You can remove the dosa/ polo using either oil or ghee as per your desire or as you always do in your home. My Amma always used to prepare and keep ghee+ oil in the ratio of 1:1 in a bowl exclusively to be used in preparation of dosas only. I have no idea why she did it, but I can vouch that the dosa done so turn out good and tasty and I have simply followed that method for decades now without questioning. You may choose any method you like, however do give this method a try and judge for yourself.

** Note : It is wise and good idea to invest in a thick Iron Dosa Pan which is freely available in southern stores or you can even get them online. Iron tava is always better compared to other makes of tava and gives good result for dosas. The dosa prepared in Iron tava always differs in tastes compared to non stick pans. But finally, it is your choice, many people prefer non stick pans as they are easier to handle and require less oil.

** There are many varieties of “Dosa” posted in my Blog and I am sharing a common link for the same below, you can browse through and try out that which appeals to you and serve with any chutney or sambar of your etc.

** There are many varieties of “Chutney” posted in my Blog and I am sharing a common link for the same below, you can browse through and try out that which appeals to you and serve with dosa, idly etc.

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