Friday, January 29, 2021

Anna- Gajar Rotti/ Cooked Rice- Carrot Dosa.

"Anna- Gajar Rotti/ Cooked Rice- Carrot Dosa" served with Veg. Kochla Nonche (Pickle), Homemade Loni (Butter), Adraki Chai (Ginger Tea) and a few Santra (Orange) pieces" ... a delicious soft centered crispy exterior rotti prepared with leftover rice … Yummilicious …. 

** Do you wonder what to do with leftover cooked rice, fed up of doing usli, masala rice etc. then try this simple roti that can be served for breakfast. Very easy to prepare though it does take some time to cook, as I prepared it slightly thicker in texture and not very this crisp one. Having said it, I will post the other thinner version too very soon, but for that I will have to cook rice in excess as 99% of the time there is actually no leftover rice in my home. I am a die hard fan of rice and rice dishes, but I never cook them in excess as I consider annam prabrahmam ie rice is God’s given gift to mankind that should never be disrespected and chucking it out is something I have never ever done in my life. 

** Most of the time, I recycle it into different dishes or sometimes just grind it with spices and make vodi/ small balls and dry it out in sunlight and deep fry them. That is very rare as I have no sunlight facility and I need to take my neighbor favor which I do not like, not that they mind, they are always great, but it is just not like me to bother anybody unnecessarily. My motto in life is No Wastage of Food- sometimes inevitably when you have invited guests then cooked rice does remain a little bit as you never can judge the requirement needed. With leftover rice my most favorite dish is nuchi, or spiced rice with some veggies added on. Then there is deep fried fritters that can be prepared to adding on onions etc. 

** It had been really a very long time since I prepared roti with the leftover rice and I had been wanting to prepare it and share it in blog for the sake of readers but somehow it never happened. This time to, I prepared rice in excess so that I could prepare this roti the next day with leftover rice. I also intend to give some twists and try them out in variations that will be soon followed. Also don’t go by the reddish tinge on the roti, that’s coz of the kashmiri red chilly flakes added on top to get the effect, you can leave it out too, in which case you will get a white colored roti. Do try this out with leftover rice or you can cook some extra like how I do so that you can prepare it the next day for breakfast, turns out helpful and great. 

** Here is my simple method/recipe for "Anna- Gajar Rotti/ Cooked Rice- Carrot Dosa" … my style … 

** I had about 3 cups of leftover rice out of which I got about 3 thick rotti of medium size, say about 4-5 inches diameter. Add the leftover rice into a mixer grinder and grind to a very fine paste without adding water. There is enough moisture in cooked rice and you will not need water for grinding. Also if you add water, the mixture will thin out and you will need more rice flour for mixing, so it is best avoided and added only if absolutely needed. 

** Add the ground rice into a bowl along with about half a cup of grated carrots (gajjar), 1-2 tblsp of curds (dahi), 3-4 finely chopped green chillies (hari mirchi/ tarni mirsanga), a large pinch of asafoetida (hing) powder or ½ inch grated ginger (alle’/ adrak), 3-4 finely chopped curry leaves (kadipatta/ karbevu), handful of finely chopped coriander leaves (Kottambari pallo/ dhania), salt (namak/ meeta) to taste and mix them all well together. 

** Note : You can also add in any grated veggie of your choice and also finely chopped onions too can be added, I have not added them this time, though I do add onions sometimes. You can also add in some water to bind to a thick rolling consistency if need be.

** Heat a Iron/ non stick pan to smoking hot and then lower the heat to minimum. Now add in a few drops of oil and rub it over slightly with a tissue paper so that only a thin film of the same is left on the pan. Now take a tennis sized ball of batter and place it on the pan and gently pat it down evenly to a round shape. You can apply a little bit of water to palms when doing so, which eases the method of patting, but do be careful as the tava is hot. 

** If you are hesitant and are a first timer of following this procedure you should watch someone doing it keenly to follow the same or else you can make the procedure on a slightly small wet cloth/ banana leaf/ silicon or any heat resistant material and then invert it on the tava and slowly remove the leaf/ cloth. This procedure too is followed by many to prevent any mishaps while preparing the rotti, similar to when preparing bhakri. 

** Now with the back of a spoon or finger slightly dipped in water make a hole in the center of the rotti carefully. You can check out the picture enclosed for better understanding. I have added on three at a time on a large non stick pan. The pan already has even sized slight dents that enables you do get same sized dosa/ roti etc. These pans with different no. of very slight say about 1/8 inch depth are available in stores and are definitely worth purchasing. 

** Now sprinkle some kashmiri chilli flakes on top of the roti (optional) and then add in a few drops of oil round the rim of each roti and a few in the center hole. Cook on medium to low flame till cooked well and crisp on the bottom side, which does take some time. Slowly loosen the roti and flip it over and cook it till crisp and done on top side too, now again flip it over and place it on a serving plate and continue with remaining mixture if any. 

** Note : The addition of chilli flakes is optional and can be skipped. The beautiful reddish tinge you see on the roti is coz. of the kashmiri chilli color that gets imparted to the roti when added on top, sprinkled with oil and flipped over to cook, do give it a try, it does not turn spicy but tastes delicious. I always do so for thick or adai dosas as they look so beautiful. 

** "Anna- Gajar Rotti/ Cooked Rice- Carrot Dosa" is done and ready to be served. There is absolutely no need to have chutney or any spicy curry to serve these along with as these roti’s are already spiced and taste great with a dollop of fresh homemade butter but if you want something spicy and then serve it with a little bit nonche/ pickle and you are sorted and done. Tastes wonderful and there is absolutely no need to waste that leftover rice. 

** Do try out this delicious roti whenever there is excess of cooked rice in your home. Remember food saved is food earned, and it pleases God when one does not waste the precious gift bestowed by him to us. In my home usually there never is the problem of leftovers, but to prepare this roti I cook rice in excess, so if you are also conscious and cook only that much how much is necessary you can do so by cooking extra one day. 

** There are many more wonderful, easy, and tasty recipes in the Blog that you can try out and enjoy with your family and friends. I will be adding many more dishes prepared in my kitchen as and when time permits, so please do visit the blog or subscribe so that you do not miss out on any. I do understand everybody has a busy schedule, but if possible, do give me a feedback, it encourages and helps me to do that much more.

** Note : You will find the method of preparing Ginger Tea, Pickle etc. under the appropriate label section of the Blog. Do check them out too. 

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