Friday, September 22, 2017

Tendle-Piyava Kismuri/ Fried Gherkins (Ivy Gourd)- Onion Salad.

“Tendle-Piyava Kismuri/ Fried Gherkins (Ivy Gourd)- Onion Salad”... Kismuri is a salad type of famous side dish from GSB Konkani Saraswat Cuisine served during meals with rice- dal/ saar etc. … traditionally, the cut tendle pieces are deep fried, however with changing times and having access to technology the same can be microwaved giving way to healthier options ... try this simple type of salad dish, the best part of it is you can even use the inner seeds turned red ones too and it tastes awesome ... a healthier guilt free version ...  Yummilicious ...

** I had to finish off tendle/ gherkins that were getting ripe from within. However, I was in no mood to prepare anything with addition of ground coconut masala. The whole of last month somehow went by preparing loads of dishes with coconut and I wanted to cut down a little bit to avoid calories that were piling on. So decided to prepare kismuri where I always use microwave method for frying of veggies with just a little bit of oil. Kismuri is something loved by almost all GSB Konkani Saraswats young and old. This is a salad sort of dish with the addition of fried veggies towards the end just as you serve. This dish is prepared with many veggies like karela, tondli, suran, yam etc. However, it is more famous with karathe/ bitter gourd than any other veggies, over years people have begun to be innovative and try out dishes with different veggies and they turn out good too. 

** Inclusion of coconut is a matter of choice. However, addition of onions and freshly grated coconut adds to the taste. Kismuri is a dish that is here to stay for a long time as the crunchy crispiness of the fried veggies gives children the joy as they bite on the salad. I have already posted many similar dishes before where in I had deep-fried or micro waved the veggies as opting for MW method gives me the choice of using minimum oil. I have shared two pictures of the same one with inclusion of freshly grated coconut and the other without the addition of the same. The choice is yours, though I completely agree coconut adds on to taste, there are times when the mind should rule the heart and not taste. Again, you can prepare the fried tondli/ gherkins before hand, a day before and store it in air tight box. It remains fresh for few days but when deep fried an not microwaved.

** You can also use Air fry method for the same, however If you do not have access to Microwave/ Air Fryer machine, do not worry you can deep fry the same until crisp and done too. If for health reasons you do not want to go in for deep frying then the only option remains is to fry it in a kadai on slow heat with 2-3 tblsp of oil until crisp and done. This however will take a lot of time, so be prepared to spare enough time and patience in doing so. Life is all about enjoying good food with family and friends while keeping health in mind is also very important. Purchasing a MW is worth it, at least I have found it very useful and have been using it for almost 3 decades now and trust me I have not faced any issues, No, I am not promoting it, to each one their own choice. Whichever method you use do try out this dish and enjoy them with dishes served along with of your choice. 

** Here is my recipe for “Tendle-Piyava Kismuri/ Fried Gherkins (Ivy Gourd)- Onion Salad” ... My style ....

** Ingredients :
Tendle/ Gherkins/ Tondekai/ Tondli/ Ivy gourd : 250 gms.
Onions/ Piyavu/ Kanda/ Erulli : 2 medium sized.
Green Chilly/ Tarni Mirsanga/ Hari Mirchi : 3-4
Coconut Oil/ Narlel Tela/ Nariyal Tel : 1-2 tblsp (if microwaving)
Salt/ Namak/ Meeta : to taste

** Wash and completely dry tendle/ gherkins. Slice off the tip edges and cut them into small squares. Check the picture for the visual. Apply a bit of salt, rub it all over and keep it aside covered for 10-15 minutes. Drain off the water by squeezing the tendle and put it into a micro wave glassware dish. Apply coconut oil all over the tendle pieces and mix them well. If you do not want to use coconut oil, you can use any other edible oil. I have sometimes used other oils too, but it tastes best with coconut oil.

** Put in microwave on high for 7 minutes. Mix well and repeat the process again for another 5-7 minutes. Now, keep mixing and microwaving the tendle at a interval of 3-4 mins till the tendle pieces turn slightly crispy and done and then continue with the method by giving time duration of 1-2 minutes interval to avoid it being burnt. 

** Note : It took me roughly about 18 minutes to do the same. However, the timings differ from machine to machine. Therefore, once you cross 15 minutes of cooking, proceed at an interval of 1-2 minutes and keep a keen watch on the same. Remember that once you complete the process and keep aside the tendle it turns out crispier as the process is on for a few minutes even when kept aside. So do not overcook.

** Note : If at all you do not want to use the microwave method, just squeeze out the water if any from the tendle/ gherkins cut to small sized cubes and then deep fry them in plenty of oil till crispy and done. Put them in an absorbent paper for the excess oil to get drained off. Rest of the method remain the same. You can also put them in thick bottomed iron kadai/ pan with 3-4 tblsp of oil and fry, however this will take a lot of time.

** Peel off the skin of onions and chop finely. You may add in a handful of freshly grated coconut to the onions along with green chillies slit/ chopped into small rings/ pieces. I have included two pictures with/ without addition of coconut gratings for reference. Usually I always add coconut gratings, however sometimes if there have been back to back days of consuming heavy meals, then I prefer to avoid coconut and keep it simple. The choice is yours. It does tasty with little bit of coconut gratings added on.

** Add salt to taste and the remaining ½ tblsp of coconut oil and mix well. Be careful while adding salt as the fried tendle contains a little bit of salt that was applied initially before frying the same. Remember to check as excess salt is not good nor does it taste good. Just before serving mix in the micro waved or deep fried tendle / tondli / gherkins/ tondekai / Ivy gourd and mix well. You can also garnish with a little bit of coriander leaves if you like, I do not do so as traditional dish does not call for it. 

** Note : Always mix ingredients together just before serving to avoid it turning limp if done so before hand. The fried tendle/ gherkins remain crisp when mixed just before serving it only, so just keep things ready separately and mix when needed to be served, that way you will find them all together and all you need to do is mix it. 

** “Tendle-Piyava Kismuri/ Fried Gherkins (Ivy Gourd)- Onion Salad” is done and ready to be served. Kismuri should always be served immediately once you have mixed all the ingredients needed for best crunchy taste. Serve it as a side dish with Dalitoy/ Saar etc. with rice, one of the best combinations. Again, kismuri, be it with any ingredient is the most desired dish to relish with peja/ rice porridge, a combination often served during dinner when you want to go in light or during monsoon/ winter.

** There are plenty of combinations of "Kismuri" shared in the Blog with ground masala and the salad type version. Just browse through using search or label options for the same and you will find them all. If you try this recipe, and if your family and friends like it please do give me a feedback, you may leave a comment for query too. 

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