Monday, February 7, 2022

AlsandeBee’-Chane Dali-Tandla Idly/ Black Eyed Bean- Bengal Gram Dal- Rice Idly.

“AlsandeBee’-Chane Dali-Tandla Idly/ Black Eyed Bean- Bengal Gram Dal- Rice Idly” served with Pudina Dhania Nariyal Chutney (Mint Coriander Coconut Chutney) and Adraki Chai (Ginger Tea)” … spongy idlies for a change prepared with other pulses and dals instead of normally used urad dal … Yummilicious ….

** Idlies, dosa, seasoned doddaka, khotto have recently become a routine breakfast item in my home. It keep our tummy full till lunchtime which is actually late mid noon as we have changed our office timings these days due to pandemic issues. I try whatever mix and match of ingredients be it with Idlies or dosas I come across giving my own twists and turns to them. I had tried this variation with dosa a few days back which I have already shared after which I have been wanting to try out Idly and panna doddaka (seasoned idly in kadai) with this variation as I somehow do not like using the dosa batter for Idly.

** I have come across many who use the same smooth batter for dosa, idly and I have tried it out too. But somehow when it comes to Idly, Khotto or Doddaka and Ramdana, I prefer the addition of rice to be slightly coarser in texture which results in spongy textured Idly. The same does not work for dosa as you need smooth textured batter to spread dosa evenly on hot tawa, that is the very reason why I prepare them separately. The Ingredients and the quantity mixed remain the same with only difference being the texture. I use Idly rava/ rice rava for all Idly/ ramdan/ khotto batter and that is the only difference here.

** Here is my simple recipe for “AlsandeBee’-Chane Dali-Tandla Idly/ Black Eyed Bean- Bengal Gram Dal- Rice Idly” … My Style ….

** Ingredients :
Alsandebee/ Chawli/ Cow-Peas/ Black-Eyed Bean : 1 cup
Chana Dal/ Bengal Gram Dal : 1 cup
Idly Rava/ Rice Rava : 2 cups
Methi/ Fenugreek Seeds : 1 tsp
Green Chillies/ Tarni Mirsanga/ Hari Mirchi : 4-5 fresh ones
Ginger/ Adrak/ Alle’ : 1 inch piece
Salt/ Namak/ Meeta : to taste

** Soaking of Methi/ Fenugreek Seeds : Soak methi seeds in ¼ cup of water in a small cup for an hour or when you soak the dal itself, but separately. This is to be used while grinding the dosa batter. I do not add the methi along with the dal’s coz. When we drain off the water, the health and medicinal properties of methi seeds are also lost through it.

** Note : Almost everybody I know, even my Mom soaks the methi seeds along with the urad dal while soaking the same. So it is not necessary to follow my method of soaking separately. You may do so along with other ingredients too.

** Add Idly rava into a bowl, to this add about 4 cups of water and mix well, then allow to rest for 2-3 minutes. The rava will settle down and the water will float on top. Tilt the vessel and gently pour of all excess water as much as possible carefully. Cover and keep aside for an hour or so to be then added on to the ground batter.

** Note : Idly Rava/ Rice Rava is easily available in store and I always use the same for all Idly type dishes. However, you can also use raw rice, by soaking and grinding coarsely in the same measurements. If using surti kollam soak for 2-3 hours and if using white ukda/ boiled rice then you will have to soak it for 6 hours. 

** Wash and soak AlsandeBee and Chana dal together in plenty of water for 4-6 hrs. Drain off water, wash well again, and then grind along with methi seeds with the water in which it is soaked to a smooth thick batter. Lastly add in green chillies and adrak cut into pieces and continue grinding until they are well crushed.

** Remove batter into a large vessel, add salt, kept ready Idly rava and mix well. This Idly batter is not fermented, however, it does need to get rested a little bit to get perfect spongy idlies so, keep it covered aside to rest for about an hour or two.

** To Prepare the Steamed Idly/ Idlies: You may choose any type of mold you prefer like Vati/ or the dented semi circular one or even pour a batter in a large round tin/ plate which is referred to as ramdan in Konkani and tatte Idly in and around Mangalore.

** Add batter only to ¾ level in chosen mold and steam for about 5 minutes on high heat, then lower the heat and steam for about another 15 minutes. Remember to apply oil on inner side of molds before adding in batter to ensure that the Idly comes out cleanly in one go without crumbling once the Idly is steamed and cooled a bit.

** “AlsandeBee’-Chane Dali-Tandla Idly/ Black Eyed Bean- Bengal Gram Dal- Rice Idly” is done and ready to be served. Always serve them hot with chutney or sambar or any other side dish of your choice. I served them with Pudina Dhania Nariyal Chutney (Mint Coriander Coconut Chutney) and Adraki Chai (Ginger Tea) for breakfast and it was a tummy filling breakfast that was loved by all.

** You can check out the dosa preparation with same batter too, if desired, sharing link to “AlsandeBee’-Chane Dali-Tandla Polo (Black Eyed Bean- Bengal Gram Dal- Rice Dosa)” below, do browse through and try it out, its very tasty …

** For “Pudina Dhania Nariyal Chutney (Mint Corriander Coconut Chutney)” Recipe, Please follow the link given below …

** For “Ginger Tea (Adraki Chai)” Recipe, Please follow the link given below …

** There are many “Idly, Khotto, Ramdan” and "Chutney" varieties included in my Blog, do go through them in leisure and try them out and enjoy with your family and friends.

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