Thursday, September 26, 2024

Dried Prawns Sukka Masala.

“Dried Prawns Sukka Masala” … a delicious dry masala curry prepared with sun- dried prawns along with plenty of onions and an equally scrumptious ground masala … tastes excellent served with panpolo (neer dosa) or parathas … this one is for my non. Veg. friends, Vegetarians plz. excuse … Yummilicious …

** Sukkale Sungata or Dried Prawns are small medium sized prawns that have been sun dried on sands of sea shores during summer months until they turn dry and crisp. These are then sold by fish vendors in market in Kg’s as they can be stored for over an year if they are treated well. These prawns when sun dried shrink in size and are usually available in the size of approximately about 1.5 inches in length.

** The tail and head portion with whiskers are still sharp and you have to be careful when you remove them. These sun dried prawns have a very strong smell and a handful of the same when added to curries imparts a unique aroma to the same. I have shared a collage below with pictures for method of the same. We have been relishing it since childhood specially added to Vali ie Malabar spinach or as panna upkari.

** In Mumbai, we get it cleaned and ready to be stored which as I mentioned remains good for over an year, though it gets over before that time. Again, you just need to soak them in hot water for 30 minutes, wash well and they are ready to be cooked. I have shared a common link at the bottom of this recipe which includes plenty of recipes shared before, do browse through in leisure and try it out whenever possible.

** Here is the recipe for “Dried Prawns Sukka Masala” … My very own style …

** Ingredients :
Sun-dried Prawns/ Sukkale Sungata : 250 gms
Onions/ Piyavu/ Kanda : 3-4 large sized.
Garlic/ Losun/ Lehsun : 6-8 cloves
Curry Leaves/ Kadipatta/ Karbevu : 10-12
Kashmiri Mirchi Powder/ Mirsange Pitti/ MIrchi Tikkat : 1 tsp
Oil/Tela/ Tel : 3-4 tblsp (Approxi)
Salt/ Namak/ Meetha : to taste

** For Masala to be ground :
Coconut/ Soyi/ Nariyal : ¼ cup freshly grated.
Kashmiri Red Chillies/ Kumte Mirsanga/ Byadgi Mirchi : 8-10
Malwani Masala Powder : 1 tblsp
Coriander Seeds/ Dhania/ Kothambari : 2 tsp.
Jeera/ Cumin Seeds : 1 tsp
Haldi/ Turmeric Powder : ½ tsp
Garlic/ Losun/ Lehsun : 6-8 cloves
Ginger/ Alle’/ Adrak : ½ inch piece
Tamarind/ Chinchama/ Imly : lemon sized ball.
Oil/Tela : 2 tblsp (Approxi)

Pictures of “Sukkale Sungata/ Dried Prawns”
picked, cleaned, wash, soaked and ready for using.

** Pick, clean, remove the tail, head, legs of the dried prawns if any, wash them in plenty of water. Now put them in a bowl with lukewarm water and leave aside for 20-25 mins. (If they are already ready to be used, then just wash them once and then soak). The prawns will get softened and nicely puffed a bit. Drain off the water and rinse/ wash well until you see clear water, drain and it is ready for use.

** Peel off the skin of onions and garlic and chop them fine. Keep them separately aside. Wash and chop the ginger and keep it aside separately. Grate coconut and keep it also separately aside for the preparation of masala.

** For Masala to be ground : Heat oil in a pan add jeera, coriander, garlic, ginger and fry for a few mins. Add kashmiri chillies and further fry 2 minutes. Add haldi- malwani masala powder and continue frying for another minute. Lastly add grated coconut, mix well and fry together for just 2-3 minutes. Do not roast the coconut we just need it heated. Remove from fire, cool a bit, add tamarind and grind in mixer grinder to a fine paste adding water as required only. Keep the masala thick as this is a dry masala curry.

** Note : There are plenty of curry masala's powders available in the market and you can use any which is your favourite. I somehow love the final taste that malwani masala powder brings to dishes and hence use the same often in my curries. 

** To Prepare the Curry : Heat oil in a thick bottomed pan, when hot add chopped garlic and fry until the color changes slightly, then add finely chopped onions and continue to fry till they turn light brown in colour. Now add curry leaves, 1 tsp kashmiri mirchi pd, and continue to fry for a few seconds. Lastly add the ground masala, 1 cup of water, mix well and let cook on medium heat until thoroughly heated.

** Add the soaked- drained and kept ready dried prawns, salt to taste and mix well. Check and add more water only if required, remember this is a thick gravy curry. Cook on medium flame stirring often till you see bubbles appearing on surface. Then lower the heat, cover and simmer the curry for a good 15-20 minutes, stirring well in between. The curry should be well simmered for best results so do not cut down on that method.

** “Dried Prawns Sukka Masala” is done and ready to be served. This is close to our traditional side dish “Panna Upkari” from GSB Konkani Saraswat Cuisine and for those of you who have tasted it or have prepared it from my shared recipes before are sure to connect the same with it. Though you can serve it during meals as a side dish with Dal- Chawal I would recommend you to relish this dosa with panpolo (neer dosa) or parathas for best of taste. Do try that combo, it sure to be loved by all. 

** I served it with dalitoy- rice along with beans upkari for meals, so did not bother to click that picture. However, as is my usual practice at home, I prepared panpolo (neer dosa) next day for breakfast and served them in combo and after savoring the same wished, I had clicked a picture, sorry there, next time for sure. However, there are plenty of dishes shared with panpolo in my blog which you can browse through for more options. Do try out this combo if you prepare neer dosa at home, if not you can always check out for the recipe in the blog, using search option, I assure you it will be loved by your family.

** Note : This is a very spicy dish that tastes simply awesome but has a strong dried fish flavor and not upto some people liking, so when purchasing or trying out for the first time, just use handful and adapt to the same before going ahead with purchasing in bulk. You can increase or decrease the number of red chillies as per your taste level of spices, as it’s always an individual choice. But this is very spicy curry though I myself have cut the spice level down as with age it does not agree to our health conditions.

** Note : I have posted a detailed picture by picture collage above of dried prawns, picked, cleaned, wash, soaked and ready for using for better understanding of the procedure, so do check out the same keenly and you can easily follow the same.

** Sharing a common link for all “Dried Prawns” recipes shared in the Blog before, You may browse through the same for more options and try them out and enjoy with your family if you like dried prawns, they all taste fantastic …

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