Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Sitaphal / Custard Apple Ice Cream

1 Cup milk, 3/4th cup Milk powder(I used Everyday) 4-5tblsp sugar, 200ml milk cream(I used Amul) 2 large sitaphals (deseeded/about 2cups).

Blend all ingredients, except the sitaphal in your blender, till well blended. Then add and mix sitaphal pulp (keep aside ¼ cup) blend for 1-2 mts. Your ice cream mixture is ready. Freeze for two hours. Take it out and beat till smooth and creamy. Do this 2 times. Add in the remaining 1/4th cup of sitaphal pulp(this will give you some sitaphal chunks to eat with the smooth ice cream). Mix well Leave it in the freezer over night. That’s all… Yummy Sitaphal Ice Cream is ready.

Note: to deseed the fruit ,use the Sanjeev Kapoor method
Scoop the flesh of the fruit into blender . To four sitaphal s add about 1/2 cup of chilled milk. Just pulse the blender for 5 seconds. Give it another 5 seconds if you feel the need. The seeds should all separate from the fruit pulp. strain the purée into a bowl. Be very careful. It's just a perceptible pulse. Don't over do it the seeds will get ground.

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