Saturday, July 31, 2021

Ajjana kode/ Grandpa's Umbrella.

"Ajjana kode/ Grandpa's Umbrella" ... it has been raining heavily for last few days creating havoc ... there are potholes filled with water, overfilled gutters, muddy water puddles, tree branches, leaves fallen everywhere making it very difficult to walk around ... the roaring of early morning rains always wakes me up to the noise of rattling windows and as I sit watching the heavy rains ... I go down nostalgic memory lanes of childhood days ..

** Monsoon always reminds us of ajjana kode that was huge enough to give us shelter from pouring rain ... walking down the lane holding ajja's huge hand our small palm tucked in it, was always a pleasure, sort of strong belief that no harm would come on us ... Ajjana Kode was always positioned in such a way as to shelter us from rains at times drenching ajja but there was still joy in his eyes ... he never cribbed or scolded us when we jumped or splashed water as we crossed the puddles despite his white mundu getting all muddy ... he patiently waited while we set aisle the paper boats in collected flowing water again taking care to see that ajjana kode protected us from getting wet ... 

** we slowly sneaked out with ajjana kode while he was taking his noon nap, struggling to hold the huge umbrella and stand under pouring rain having complete faith that it would protect us as ajja would have ... ajjana kode was a savior from not only rains but many more things ... it was also used to keep us in shade as we walked under the blazing sunlight along with ajja ... as we reached the ashvata rukka katto (tree) were ajja would take a few minutes rest, he would first rub clean the place to sit using the umbrella while we ran round the tree in circles ... and when we were not around to hold his hand ajja used it as his walking stick if needed ... ajjana kode was around 24×7×365 unlike now when it is brought out only during rains ... 

** Ajjana kode never shivered at heavy rains, never folded over drenching us, never got carried away when heavy winds blew ... ajjana kode could never be folded over into a small fold to be placed inside bags ... it was huge with a strong U shaped wooden handle with black thick cotton cloth, which ajja always carried around with poise and dignity wherever he went ... if it was not opened, then it was either held on at the handle or was dangled to hand near elbow and Oh! sometimes ajja let it hang on his back hooked on to his shirt collar while both his hands carried grocery bags ... 

*** And yes, on very rare occasion ajja did raise it to discipline us, though it was only a show of anger display, but it never ever touched us, but, oh! yes, the fear it would always made us blink our eyes, shed a few tears and bawl out and ajja would turn all gooeeye gooeeye in few minutes and pacified us with 1ps. chikki, yes of course we did get it for 1 ps. back those days ... I can write reams on ajjana kode which served a lot more purposes too ... we even placed it upside down, filled with rain water and sailed paper boats in it ... then sometimes we used it again as a sort of bag to collect the fallen chincha/ tamarind as we crossed those trees or some flowers etc. etc. 

** But above all there is always this void during monsoon bringing in nostalgic memories of ajja and ajjana kode ... while there are many people who may leave you standing getting drenched in rain, there are few you will not only offer you their umbrella but will walk with you down the lane to safety and Ajja is one one of them, trust me men only look stern but they they have heart of gold when it comes to children ... || Jai Guru Ganesh ||

** Disclaimer : Just a short article written by me on lighter note observing the love of Grandpa for his grandchildren. Not meant to offend anybody's sentiments, do excuse if done. The picture belongs to me. Thank you for reading through and always supporting my small writing and articles. 

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